I took my first official trip to San Francisco this weekend, (last time I was there I was still cooking and my mom was 8 months pregnant.) That place rocks! Not only do they have the Giants baseball team and HUGE Ghiradelli ice cream sundaes, but I also saw the fluffiest, thickest fog and the Golden Gate Bridge - so cool. I got to hang out with lots of fun people like Moose (that's him in the photo), Amiee, Eryn, the Brills, the Bormans, Meyers, and Fallavena's, and go to a really rockin wedding.
Shannon and Ian tied the knot and invited me to attend. This was my first wedding. I was a little nervous, but tried to play it cool and wore my hat backwards. I got to meet lots of my mom's childhood friends and their parents and I even danced on the dance floor - luckily my dance partner, Patti Hurst, said I was pretty smooth. Tracie and Marvin (the Bride's sister and brother-in-law in the picture) have a son Dylan. We hung out and I decided I need to be his friend because he's not only really fun, he's also twice my size at just six months older than me - so he can defend me on the playground.
I'm getting to be a pro on the airplane - although the large, hairy guy with lots of tatoos in seat 31C might disagree (I may have kicked his chair a few too many times). Five hours on the direct and I didn't even scream once. My dad gave me what he called a "sleep pep talk," before we took off, but seriously dad, there was WAY too much to see to sleep. Maybe next flight!