Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bodie's First Sleepover

Bodie has lots of terrific qualities - happy kid, great giggler, incredible spit blower. He's a skilled toy chewer, fierce mobile hitter, and a talented squealer. One skill, however, Bodie has yet to acquire is that of a good sleeper.

We read the books, took everyone's advice and began our week-long sleep boot camp which ended up being the least productive thing we've done in a long time. We left him alone the first night - never taking him out of the crib - and he stayed awake TEN straight hours. He went from waking up once or twice a night before sleep camp, to waking up every hour by the end of the week. The kid has a will of steel. Needless to say, our quest for good sleep continues.

So when the Oliphant Family bravely volunteered to take Bodie for the night, we got Bodie's pj's on, grabbed his blanket and off we went - no tears, no drama, just "see ya later mom." (I guess I was sort of hoping for a little sadness, but alas none was had.)

Bodie clearly had a ton of fun, he was all smiles when I picked him up then crashed out on the 10 minute car ride home. No doubt he showcased his ability to stay awake throughout the night - sorry Oliphant's, we owe you big time! THANKS!


  1. Oh, man! That is rough!! I have no words of advice except that I'm sure he'll eventually grow out of it. I'm happy to hear about your new schedule. I have Wednesdays and Fridays off as well, so a playdate is definitely in order!!

  2. My favorite part of the story is when you asked Joseph, "So, did Bodie wake you up during the night?" "No... well, yeeeessss." hahaha!


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