Saturday, May 22, 2010


Lots of people have been asking if my mom went back to work, so I thought I'd catch everyone up to date. The answer is yes, but part time. Last week she started a 50% schedule and loves it. She said the last time she worked only 20 hours a week was in high school (which I think was a really, really long time ago - but don't tell her I said that). She works Mondays and Tuesdays and a half a day on Thursdays. Some of that time she works from home, which is awesome.

So what happens to me when everyone is at work? Good question, and thanks for lookin' out. I go hang out at Amy's house. Amy is a super cool mom with three kids and an 85 pound dog. I'm the littlest of the bunch, so the bigger kids are teaching me lots of cool stuff. We hang out at the park and as soon as I'm big enough, I'll be climbing the monkey bars, but right now I can fit through the monkey bars.

Our week is pretty fun. My dad goes in a little later on Monday and Tuesday mornings and drops me off at Amy's. Then my mom picks me up in the early afternoon. Wednesdays and Fridays we're all about play time, and Thursdays I get to be at home and at Amy's. It's a pretty perfect set-up.

With my mom's new schedule we're looking for some weekday play dates, especially once the pool opens next week. So let us know if you're available!

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