Tuesday, September 24, 2013


For two people that don't have a single nickname, my parents have two kids that ONLY have nicknames! My parents say that by the end of the week that I was born, I had been called dozens of nicknames by friends and family - Bodie, Bodimiester, Bodinator, Bodirama, Bodilicious, and the list goes on and on. Well, Gates is no different.
By the end of his first week of life, Gates had become "Gater" and the name has stuck. (Yes, I know gator is spelled with an "o" - but his name has an "e" so that's how we're spelling it.) Later Gater and AliGater are just two ways it's been used. He's even got alligator pj's and tshirts. My nickname for him was Lightening, but I've given up promoting that one, it just hasn't stuck. And besides, I like the name Gater, it just fits him. So I guess to wrap this post up I should say, "Later Gater!"

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