Thursday, March 10, 2011

Road Trips

We've been road trippin' the past few weeks.  I went on my first bike road trip and think I loved it. I got to prep the equipment with my dad then put on my shiny new helmet - it's called a "nut case," and has a giant eight on top so I look like an 8 ball head.

Both my mom and dad took turns pulling me - the ride is smoother with my mom, but lots faster with my dad. My mom says she loved when my dad pulled me because it slowed him down, though I still had to turn around to see her sometimes, catch up mom!

Then we took a road trip to Gaithersberg, Maryland to see our friends the Markeys. Okay, so that's not a real road trip, but it still counts.

We played basketball at their house, I drove around in this sweet ride, and then topped it off with a picnic at the park. Thomas, Brendan, ad Daniella showed me around the park and helped me on the swing and slide - I was a little too small for the climbing wall. Those guys are awesome.

Finally we headed to Vermont to visit my aunts, uncle, cousins, nana & pop pop, and welcome my Uncle Nick home from Afghanistan. We had enough time to play and relax.
Sitting in the back of the car in my car seat can get a little boring so my mom sometimes gives me her Blackberry. I'm getting pretty good at accidentally calling people and recently I've figured out how to take pictures. So here's a shot I took during the ride - not too bad, if I do say so myself.


  1. I love that his little piggies make it into the photo he took from the blackberry. ;)

  2. So glad Bodie is liking biking. We can't wait to go on a bike ride with him some day. He is growing up way tooo you guys!


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