Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Prepping for Baby

God is adding someone to our family and I can't wait to meet 'em. We don't know if our new baby will be a boy or a girl yet, but I'm pretty sure it will be a boy - that's what I've been saying since we got the news.

People keep asking if I'm excited. I think this is a funny question. If you know me, you know I love an audience. So giving me a sibling is like the best present ever - a captive audience! I have been helping with all of the baby preparations including picking out the rocker - I tested several at the store (which definitely got the sales person's attention) and let my folks know which one was the best ride. I helped my dad build new shelves for the baby's closet...

We even attended a siblings class at the hospital this past week. I went into a hospital room and got to push all of the buttons on the bed to see how high it would go. I held a pretend baby and changed it's diaper. And then they took us to the nursery and we got to see REAL babies. They rolled them right up to our window and we got to just look at them. I kept saying "Look! Look! Real babies!"

I've definitely learned that babies take a LONG time to get here. I think
we're around 10 naps until this baby arrives. I know that once my grandma and grandpa arrive, it will be soon, so I keep asking when we're going to the airport to pick them up. I've also learned that babies make your mom's stomach REALLY big and can make her fall off her bike so she doesn't ride her bike right now. Being a big brother seems like it's a pretty big deal. I'm definitely up for the responsibility. The other day I took my ladder into the babies room and launched myself into the crib. I told my mom I wanted to make sure I could get in there by myself in the middle of the night in case the baby was crying. I'm sure having the baby IN the crib won't be much of an obstacle to avoid.

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