Friday, February 1, 2013

Football...It just makes me happy

I'm three and my favorite football team is already in the Super Bowl. Apparently this is not normal. But my mom grew up in the 80's and the 49ers not only played in, but WON, four Super Bowls in a ten year span - so maybe this is a start of another decade-long streak! One can only hope.

For my dad's birthday, I got him a Miami Dolphin football helmet. He won't say it in front of my mom, but it's definitely his most favorite present. We play tackle football every night before bed and, with me becoming so strong and such a good tackler, I decided "safety first" should be our motto. Now we both have helmets and can tackle at full speed without any worries. Oh, my mom says to point out that there are about 17 neon colored stickers on the helmet and packaging that said, "THIS IS A TOY. NOT TO BE USED AS PROTECTIVE HEAD GEAR," whatever that means....

My dad's favorite move is to "stuff" the football into the face mask of my helmet. It usually occurs right before I would score a touchdown. This is not only a penalty, but I cannot see when this happens and I usually run into a wall. This makes my dad break into uncontrollable laughter. While also laughing, my mom admits this may reveal a small character flaw in my dad's personality. Lucky for me I have my trusty Niners helmet on!

Fingers and toes crossed that the Super Bowl outcome provides a reason for a serious touchdown dance!

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