Guess who's four years old...ME! Having a birthday in late November allows for the celebrating to

happen all month long. I celebrated my actual birthday in Belize - my brother will be blogging about that trip soon - and had my party earlier in the month. As my birthday approached, my mom asked who I would like to invite to my party. I looked her square in the eyes and recited the names of TWENTY-FOUR friends. "Um, sure," was her reply. She asked me the same question a few days later and I responded with the exact same 24 people and again another week later. I guess the third time is the charm because I got to invite all 24 of them! Four friends were out of town, so twenty of us celebrated at my Movie Birthday Party. Check out the photos below...
The VIP entrance and the movie theatre
The concession stand and popcorn-looking cupcakes

Goody bags for my friends - my mom says movies stars call it "swag"
We made art out of movie tickets and strung "star" necklaces
We got to dress up like movie "stars" and play penny pitch
The grand finale with all of my buddies...

In Belize I woke up to a room filled with balloons. That night we went to dinner at the resort where I ate lobster and steak - not bad for a four year old! The band announced it was my birthday and they sang to me while the staff brought out a cake. Blue icing...yum! I think I'm going to like being four!
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