As my four month birthday approaches, I thought it was about time I started blogging. My big brother is an old pro at this, so I'm hoping I inherited a few of his writing genes. Besides,this week seemed like a perfect time for me to post because my Uncle Rick and Aunt Margo flew in for my Mormon baby blessing. If you're a frequent reader of our family's blog, you know I already had a Catholic baby blessing; double blessings - just one of the perks of having my mom and dad for parents!
In a Mormon baby blessing, a group of men gather around a baby in a circle while one man (in this case, my Uncle Rick), offers a blessing on the child. The blessing takes place during a regular Sunday church service in front of the congregation. The babies are often asleep, cooing and enjoying the moment. I, on the other hand, had a few things I wanted to add to the blessing so I decided to insert myself by screaming at the top of my lungs...from start to finish. I wasn't sure I could be heard in the back of the church so I dug down deep and gave each scream everything I had. Based on the congregations laughter at the end of my blessing, I'm pretty sure everyone heard me. I even got a shout out from the podium from the bishop, something about being a "healthy baby," awesome.

Before they got into town on Saturday, my dad and a few of his buddies did a "quick" 80-mile bike ride Saturday morning to Harper's Ferry, West Virginia. While I may not know much, I'm pretty sure that riding your bike to ANOTHER STATE isn't like a "quick" run to the grocery store. HOLY COW, my dad is awesome (but I'm pretty sure you already knew that). After his ride, he wasn't even tired and still had tons of energy to play with me...
My big brother has been showing me the ropes around here. Apparently soccer - and pretty much any competitive sport - is critical to our survival. So regardless of the temperature, we bundle up and head out to play in the yard. Because my mom likes to play too, she either "wears" me on a front pack, or puts me in a Bumbo and let's me spectate. This is us during a recent afternoon in our yard.
Bodie has also taught me that if you face plant onto concrete while playing soccer, a section of the skin from your face will be left behind on the ground as a reminder to others that concrete is not soft. After his face slid along the concrete, Bodie got up and shook his head a bit then said, "Hmmm. I think my nose hurts a little. Let's keep playing!" No ice. No band aid. No nothing. What a stud. Speaking of a stud, he's only three and told me he's already a doctor! He even offered to listen to my heart at no charge...
And finally, lots of people ask if I look like my brother. While there are definitely similarities, there are a few differences as well. Bodie had a lot more hair than me at my age. Some friends have remarked that I currently have a mullet (business in the front, party in the back) hairstyle. This sounds pretty cool to me but people are always laughing when they say it, so I'm thinking the mullet may not be a current fashion. Second, I am A LOT bigger than Bodie was at my age. I'm 16+ pounds at three months which was Bodie's weight at almost 10 months. (He's sure made up for lost time, good grief, his gigantic now!) Either way, here are similar photos of us in the same sweater, so you decide...
We had a blast with you Gates!!! Thank you for letting us come out for your special day. It was fun to see your mom and dad, but the best was playing with you and Bodie!