Monday, April 25, 2011


Hi everybody, I'm back blogging. I'm doing great, just zipping around like nothing ever happened. I have one more week to go until I get the official "thumbs up" from the doctors, but things are looking good. In fact, the splinter on the bottom of my foot seems to be bugging me more than my head. But don't get me wrong, I DO NOT recommend going head first into concrete. It hurts and scares everyone WAY too much. So on to happier things....

Easter was great. My dad hosted an awesome Easter egg hunt for me and my little buddies. Two was the age limit, so the competition was evenly matched. I was pretty fast out of the starting gate, scooping up as many eggs as I could and putting them in my bucket as my Grandma followed along. Then I threw an egg and it busted open and a piece of chocolate fell out - jackpot! No need for egg collecting after that.

I just stood there and smashed as many eggs as I could. Several of my buddies figured this out as well and the egg "hunt" slowly came to a stop. In fact, when the hunt was over, I heard my parents laughing about how there were 15-20 eggs still on the lawn that needed to be picked up.

My grandma and grandpa were in town from Utah for the weekend, so we had tons of fun. And I was so excited Easter morning to hang out with them, I got up at 5:30am. I had no clue that creepy Easter bunny hops into your house and leaves you a basket of cool stuff; I've decided that guy is all right. My basket had a giant blue ball on top of it and a nerf basketball and hoop inside - yahoo!
We ended the weekend at the park in 85 degree weather throwing sand. Does it get better than this?

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