Once at the Tidal Basin, I made several attempts to leap into the water. No luck. Who knew my mom was so fast? Ultimately, the bike ride idea was genius. We zipped in and out of the crowds and enjoyed the beautiful spring day the entire time.
I met up with my buddy Tristan for a mid-week visit to the zoo. His little brother Landon came too, but he slept the whole time. Tristan and I took turns seeing who could run the fastest, throw stuff the farthest, and identify each animal.
Tristan is eight months older than me.And while he is much better at talking than I am, I was surprised he needed his mom to help him repeat the names of the animals we saw. He would say, "zebra," "cheetah," "shrew." Not me, I didn't need any help. I knew right away and would blurt it out, "dog!" Giant grey thing with a trunk, "dog!" Big cat with lots of fur around it's face and roars, "dog!" Reptile that lives in a swamp and has big scary teeth, "dog!" He didn't say anything, but I'm pretty sure Tristan was impressed with my skills.
Today I met the Easter Bunny. He's creepy. I watched him, even followed him around. But when I'd get within three feet of him, I'd scream uncontrollably. My parents thought this was funny and decided to test the proximity distance a few times.
The good news is, this guy brings chicken eggs (sort of confusing) made of plastic (getting more strange) filled with treats (I'm not questioning this one). So if you can get past his creepy-ness, you score candy! I went on my first "hunt" and it was a success. I just imagined each egg was a ball and grabbed it and threw it in my basket. Good times.
I forgot to mention... That day when I got Tristan up from his nap, I asked him what he saw at the zoo that day. I was expecting 'zebra' or 'cheeta'. Nope. All I got was "Bodie!!!" ha! I guess Bodie was the most memorable part of the zoo. :)