It's true, I love the water. I don't care if it's a bath tub, a lake, a swimming pool - if it splashes, I'm in. So as you can probably guess, we spend a lot of time at the pool.

My parents think the baby pool is too shallow to swim their laps, so they put me on a kick board in the adult pool and kick away. I think it's pretty cool because I feel like the captain of the pool and I can see everyone. The first time my parents did this it caused a bit of a stir. But after a brief chat with the pool manager and a grin from me, we were off again and haven't stopped since. My only complaint is that I wish they would go faster, but oh well.

I had a Water Babies class that just ended. Besides the fun kids I got to swim with, I also learned to go underwater and float (kind of) on my back. And at the last class I got a certificate for being the best splasher - it's good to know talent is appreciated.
Love the pic with you on the kick board. I'm glad you have your parents trained in the correct method of Bodie care.