The annual Lybberty Days family reunion was this past week and whew, did I overdo it. For starters, I got my first tooth the day we arrived. Who knew your nose could run so much from one little tooth - sheesh. We started off the trip at my Uncle Rick and Aunt Margo's water ski lakes, Last Chance Lakes (check them out on line at
http://www.lastchancelakes.com). My mom and dad skied well but my Grandma and Grandpa really tore it up (that's my Grandpa in the picture - I didn't even know grandparents could do that kind of stuff!)
Thursday my folks played 18 holes while my grandma, my cousin Lindsie, and I went to the zoo; another first for me. There sure are a lot of really cool animals there. I liked the monkey's the best.
Thursday afternoon we headed up to Park City to join the rest of the group - 35 of us this year! I got to meet a few cousins for the first time, including the newest addition to our family...my three month old cousin Brody. Yep, we're Bodie and Brody. Guess we'll have to become a famous doubles duo and play in the US Open, that would be kinda cool.
We hiked to 9000 feet. Okay, so I guess I really free-loaded to 9000 feet in the front pack, but it sure was beautiful. Then on the hike down I think we got a little lost - unless my parents were suppose to climb over huge mounds of dirt and traverse through waist-high shrubbery. Don't worry Nana, I was wearing my sunblock and a goofy hat the whole time.

We had a human rodeo where the dads were the livestock and the kids were the cowboys, then a frisbee golf tournament, and the most intense family scavenger hunt I've ever seen. My mom said the start was more chaotic than the Amazing Race. I'm beginning to think I might have been born in to a competitive family.

While my folks played tennis, I hung out with my Aunt Margo. Then I swam, strolled with Grandma and Grandpa, played with my cousins, and posed for a lot of pictures. From start to finish, it was awesome.
Wow, Bodie. You have the life! We're heading out west tomorrow. To bad we can't go down the alpine slide together!