Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Roadtrip & Road Race

This weekend was Bodie's first big roadtrip and first road race. We headed to New York to see Dave's folks and then we all headed further north to Vermont to visit with Dave's sister's family. We joined Dave's dad and two of our nieces in the Bennington Road Race. Dave and his dad did the 10k, the rest of us did a 3.8 mile race. Bodie did great in the beginning and end but expressed his opinion of the heat during the entire 2nd mile. Once we stopped for a milk break and had a discussion about race etiquette - no screaming on the course - we all finished strong.

We also got to watch our nieces and nephew play their sports - Katie at tennis, Luke in lacrosse, and Bridget in soccer. Each of them did fantastic. Bodie was spoiled by everyone, especially his Nana. And thanks to Jimmy and Kathy, we ate like royalty!

Bodie racked up more than 1000 miles on his first roadtrip. He was an easy traveler and enjoyed entertaining the small crowds at the truck stops along the way. Lucky for him, because there are a lot more roadtrips in his future!


  1. I can only hope Iona does as well on our little "road trip" coming up. Bodie is such a trooper!

  2. Seriously, has there *ever* been a cuter baby?! Miss you guys!


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