Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's Baby Boot Sleep Camp for Bodie

So the time has come and we've dedicated this week to "teaching" Bodie how to sleep through the night AND nap in his crib. For starters, we fully acknowledge we have bitten off more than we can chew. Bodie has always been a good sleeper - correction - he's always been a flexible sleeper. He learned to sleep in lots of environments when he was first born, so we took advantage of what seemed to be a perk. We take him anywhere, anytime and he'll hang out. Then when he's ready, he falls asleep in even the noisiest places. Once asleep, he's tossed in a bouncy seat, in his car carrier, on a couch, on the floor - whatever is closest (but rarely a crib). We've appreciated his flexibility, but we are now paying the price.

We decided Bodie really should know how to fall asleep in his crib and stay there until morning. And while we're at it, why not just add the "afternoon nap in the crib" issue too. So far, Bodie is winning. While we are committed to not picking him up once he's in the crib, he's got the will of Superman. He stayed up almost twelve straight hours, rather than simply doze off in his crib. And when we went to get him, he simply smiled - the little rascal. He's a competitor, that's for certain.

Lisa has already conceded on today's afternoon nap and decided he could nap in his bouncy seat - he fell asleep in less than 2 minutes and was out for two hours solid! Now we're no baby experts, but doesn't that just seem easier for everyone?    : )

We'd love to hear your advice as well as war stories about your kids learning to sleep. Oh, and if there's a magic pill, we're buying it.


  1. Oh, man! We went through the same thing with Tristan. We got through it and so will you! Our doctor gave us some good advice on the subject and that was "pay me now or pay me later". The longer you wait the harder it gets. I have no magic!

    One thing that helped was I would let Tristan hang out in the crib when he wasn't sleeping so it was a familiar place to him. Maybe you could put Bodie in the bouncy seat inside the crib so he gets used to being in there?

    Good luck!!

  2. Where did you ever find infant camouflage pants?

  3. I'm no help. I was such a sleep nazi from the beginning that my kids are pretty good about sleeping. Wish you luck and few sleepless nights!


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