Aloha from the Hawaii of the east. Sure we're missing palm trees, pristine beaches and sunshine, but we have weather FORTY degrees higher than average temperatures, each day we're hitting new records - it's crazy.

We decided to find our own cold and went to ICE!. If you've never been, it's basically a gigantic freezer filled with enormous ice sculptures. Some of you may remember when my dad accidentally karate chopped the Grinch's hand off doing a jumper a few year's back (
Ice & Other Breakable Stuff). The theme this year was Santa Claus is Coming to Town, based on the classic TV special. We wandered around their 28 degree freezer in the issued giant blue coats, admiring the creations and sliding down the ice slides. Then we froze and exited the tent into the biggest plume of warm air outside - so odd.

The warm temps didn't dampen our Christmas spirit. We cranked the air conditioning up, snuggled up in footy pajamas, and waited for Santa's arrival...and he came. Whew. My brother had been a bit of a stinker on Christmas eve and I guess was a bit nervous. He ran out Christmas morning, read the note, and screamed with excitement - "MOM! Santa says we have been VERY GOOD boys!!! He's not mad about yesterday!"

Our family continued my mom's family tradition of crazy stuff at the breakfast table. This year it was Christmas tree glasses, antlers or Santa headbands, and racing cars. We FaceTimed with my grandparents and cousins while they ate breakfast - they got clown noses! We love this tradition. Another family tradition is to read from Luke 2 on Christmas morning. This year was kind of special because my big brother was able to read part of the verses in the scriptures about Jesus's birth - pretty cool.
Here are three photos highlighting the morning - Bodie opening a present wearing his new Chicago Bears gear (I got the NY Jets), me, celebrating as I opened a bus, and my dad wearing his footy pajamas, new Dolphins hat, and his new "statement" blazer. I think the minnon to the left captures how we all felt about this outfit - our eyes were popping out.

Hope your Christmas was filled with the merriest of memories and your own fashion statements.
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