Let's start with the crazy weather. Now I know this is my first winter, but even I know that a big snow storm in DC in March is ridiculous! Last Saturday it was 70 degrees. We went for a four hour walk/bike ride. Monday was St. Patrick's Day and it was 29 degrees and snowed 8 inches, closing the government and my brother's preschool - WHAT?!?!?! At least we all got to dress in green snow clothes!

On the sunny days, my big brother washed the cars while I soaked up some rays. This week it's been in the high 60s and we've gone to a ton of parks, bike riding and jogging and now they are saying it will snow on Tuesday! My wardrobe is a mess.
We had crazy fun yesterday when we went to the B&O Railroad Museum
in Baltimore. There are dozens or real-size trains, a carousel, a train play area, outdoor electric trains, and a train park - do you see a theme here?!?! This was the wildest ride I got on - it went almost one mile an hour. Lucky for me I have Bodie and he hung on to me tightly.

I'm learning how to go down the slide at he park. Sometimes I go solo on my belly. My mom sets me at the top and then lets go. Sometimes I sit in front of my brother and he holds on to me and we go down together. Oh, and sometimes we get going a bit crazy and this happens....(Please don't tell my Nana that my parents are constantly forgetting to put shoes or socks on my feet, regardless of the temperature.)

I've also been trying lots of new foods lately. Some stuff I love and other stuff I'm not too sure about. On St. Patrick's Day we woke up to this craziness - a green breakfast! My brother said green pancakes taste the same as regular pancakes but I think they looked a bit weird. They also tried to give me oatmeal. Seriously people, who eats that crazy stuff?

And my brother's preschool is having spirit month. They get to dress in something crazy once a week. They had crazy hat or crazy hair day, pajama day (Bodie wore his Batman pajamas that have a detachable cape), and pirate and princess day. Yes, my mom sent him to school with a 2 and a half foot giant plastic sword! (I understand it was immediately confiscated by the teacher - oh well!) This week is "wear your favorite sports team" day. Bodie owns a gazillion football shirts and jerseys; I honestly think his closet could outfit his entire preschool!
And finally, my mom says this picture is crazy cute so I should include it.

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