Monday, July 15, 2013

Fried Computer = Catch up Post

Our computer got fried in a power outage - even with a surge protector - so we've been delinquent in posting. But my parents got a new computer a few days ago and are starting to figure it out...starting to. So this is our first attempt at a new post and I can tell you, downloading, editing, and moving the pictures for this post has been a herculean operation - so please be patient.

June and July have been packed with fun. June marked the end of my first soccer season. I had a blast, learned a lot, and even earned a Slurpee the last game because I didn't tackle a single person (THIS was a big deal!).
Father's Day was great. My dad and I wore our matching sear sucker suits to church and I gave him my gift, a 12 pound, black painted, pet rock. It's awesome.
 We had an "East Coast Family" picnic with "the family" from my mom's old Georgetown house. They talk about how crazy their house use to be, but now they just sit at the picnic table and chat while us kids go crazy.
I scored a triple-track slip n' slide (I think because my dad really wanted it). But when we got it home, he read on the directions that there was a 120 pound limit...bummer for him...but not for me!

 Next up was the 4th of July! Every year our neighborhood goes nuts for the 4th of July and this year was no different. We decorated my buddy Dru's truck. Our theme was "Wet, White, and Blue." We hoped in the back and shot water guns at all of the parade watchers. We had an awesome turn out at our house - 30+ friends came to cheer us on as we rode by - so cool!

 My mom's office gave her tickets to the National's baseball game. We sat right on the 3rd baseline just a few rows up from the field. The seats were amazing. The weather, well, it was 95 degrees in the shade. Luckily I brought a squirt bottle and sprayed everyone in front and behind us - they loved it. The people behind us even bought me popcorn! This is a picture of me as the National's hit a grand slam - yahoo! They won the game 11-7.
I attended my first in-theatre movie. My mom and I went to Monsters University. I ate the entire bag of popcorn myself and wasn't scared once in the show. My biggest challenge was trying not to be swallowed by my chair - I sat like a clam for most of the show. 
 We planned a pool party with my friends last week but thunderstorms showed up right about the time we were suppose to start playing in the water. Instead of cancelling, we switched it into a rainy day creek walk. All of us headed down to our creek and took turns throwing rocks into the creek. And surprisingly, no one got conked in the head with a rock. I guess we're getting better at our aim!
Summer is flying by but there are so many more exciting things ahead. Another post will be up shortly. Fingers crossed this new computer is nice to my folks.

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