I'm an official card carrying member of the Arlington County Library. My mom read me "Ron's Big Mission" last month. This book is all about a little boy who's not allowed to check out books at the library because his skin is a particular color. He can read any book he wants, he just can't check them out. So he goes to the library every week, reads books, and leaves empty handed. One day, he takes a stand and demands to check out some books. The librarian knows Ron very well because he's her "best customer." Still, she says, "Ron, you know the rules, I can't check these books out to you." Ron doesn't give up and stands up for what's right. The police are called, his mother is called, and still, Ron stands his ground. Finally, the librarian walks into the back, fills out a card in his name and allows him to check the books out. The best part? Ron grows up to be a NASA astronaut!

I LOVED this story. I've read books about Dr. King and know that, thanks to him and many others, every kid can play on the playground, check out books, and go to the swimming pool. So, I stood up for what is right and told my mom, I want a library card like Ron. And off to the library we went....
I'm also a member of the city of Arlington, this too, has its privileges including endless parks, museums, and kid-friendly activities. We recently enjoyed a night movie at the Arlington Planetarium.
And me and my buddies Landon and Brody went to the Long Branch Nature Center. Check out the tee pee we found while on the outdoor nature hike!
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