This word has been used around our house a lot this past week. For starters, my mom was out one night and my dad and I were hanging out. I guess my dad said he'd have me bathed and in bed reading stories by the time my mom got home. My mom walked into the house to hear, "Shoot" come from down in the basement. "Dave? Hey Dave, where are you guys?" was my mom's reply as she walked in the door. This is what she found....

Then some of our favorite friends, the Cook/McQueen family got a fantastic opportunity out west and decided to move their family. We are thrilled for them but I must admit that a little piece of me said, "Shoot, my buddies are moving away." So we played and played and played before they hopped on the plane and headed out of town.
It FINALLY snowed around here - real snow, the kind of snow you can make a snowman out of. It was so fun to wake up to. And I know this makes no sense to anyone outside of DC, but at the mere mention of the "S" word (snow), grocery store shelves are cleared, it's impossible to buy a shovel at Home Depot, and everything - and I mean everything - gets shut down.

They really don't have the equipment to handle roads in the snow and frankly,
when you have people from literally all over the world living in one place, driving in the snow becomes a bit chaotic (think South Africans, Australians, Floridians, and Hawaiians all driving on the same roads in SNOW!) But for whatever reason, nothing - absolutely nothing got delayed or cancelled because of the snow. SUCH A BUMMER! So my dad and I shoveled the walkway, had a snowball fight, and continued to procrastinate until my mom finally told my dad, "Your work isn't cancelled today." "Shoot," was his reply. Oh well, at least we enjoyed it for a minute.

And finally, M.O. and Sarah came over to play. They brought me an awesome Easter bag filled with the coolest stuff including stickers, bubbles, cars, treats, a sticky hand grabber, and even my first Whoopee cushion (that thing is hilarious!). They also gave me two water guns. M.O. and I faced off on the porch - an interesting battle because I'm half his height so I got hit in the head and he got hit well, below the belt. Ready, aim, shoot! Here's us in the heat of the battle.