Sunday, February 10, 2013

Refresh and Relax

We were in town this weekend, so my parents decided a decorating refresh was in order. I quickly got on my smock shirt, the one I wear when I do water colors, and the sweat pants affectionately called "grubbies" by my mom. "Where's my brush?" I asked eagerly. "Um" was my dad's reply followed by, "Don't you want to play downstairs with all of your cool toys? Painting is no fun at all." Who was HE kidding? Painting a tiny piece of paper is awesome, so painting a whole room has got to be euphoric. Hand over the paint brush people.

My mom smiled and said, "Okay, you can paint." Now we're talking. She got me a small tray of paint and a brush and walked me over to a space on the drop cloth. My dad muttered something like, "This is a terrible idea Lisa..." "One rule," my mom said, "You cannot touch the walls....ever. Got it?" Yeah sure, I got it, how hard is that rule. Now hand me the brush. "Okay buddy, here's the brush." I leaned forward to get the brush and did what any three year old would do, I balanced myself by putting my whole hand on the wall. "Hey mom, what happened? I have paint all over my hand."

Somewhere between covering my hand in fresh wall paint and being swooped to the kitchen sink before my dad could say, "I told you so," my mom and I agreed on a compromise. I would paint watercolors on paper at the kitchen table. My trusty smock shirt still had a purpose, whew.

My parents got to work and a few hours later our front room was painted tan...again ("richer tan" my mom would say), new drapes were hung, different wall hangings were up, and my toys were back in the room - which, frankly, was what I was most concerned about. Well that, and the "richer" tan color, of course.

While I may mock them a bit, I do like the new mirrors, they are just my height. So I've figured out how to climb up on the console table to check out my full profile - I don't think this was  their intended purpose, but it's definitely a bonus!

So after a hard days work, we rewarded ourselves by going out to dinner with our friends, the Vets. For being just a little guy, their son Colby is hilarious. Here's a photo of us doing a spoon trick together - the kid's got talent!


  1. I can see this happening in perfect detail. Ha ha ha!

  2. Oh, dear, hahaha! The picture's adorable, and I can only IMAGINE the paint mess!


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