I wasn't too clear on the Valentine's holiday. Shouldn't you be showing the people you love how much you love them all year long? It just seems odd to designate only one day in the whole year to do this. But then the candy started arriving...and I was SOLD! First a friend dropped off a lollipop, and then another with a few chocolates, and all of a sudden it was like I hit the treat jackpot! I even received a few presents when I woke up on Valentine's Day.
I recently mentioned to my parents that I'd like to go to Mars. One small dilemma...I don't own a space helmet. This, I'm sure, is the only issue holding me back from blasting off. Sure enough, on Valentine's morning, I opened this....
After putting it on I realized that I also need a space ship to complete my voyage. I was quick to point this out and my dad rolled his eyes while my mom suggested something about a large box and a father/son project. Stay tuned, my next post just may be from Mars!
Oh, I also learned about making things for the people I love. I made my dad a Valentine with an owl that said, "Hoo Loves You? ME!" He said I was clever and especially liked the candy I had glued to the owl. I made my mom this Valentine. My teacher said I could write anything I wanted to my mom. So I dug deep into my soul and told her just what I thought. "Happy Mother's Day Mom. You're a funny shoe." Poetic, isn't it?
Now that the excitement of Valentine's Day is dying down, I decided to create a little excitement of my own. During lunch today I proudly announced, "Mom, guess what I put up my nose?" My mom, who's given me the "Only fingers go up your nose" lecture about 1,000 times, quickly turned around in the kitchen and said sternly, "Your finger???" (I think she knew full well that was not the correct answer.) "Nope, I said, a pea!" "Seriously Bodie?" was all should could say. When I replied affirmatively, the look on her face changed. And not a "You're awesome, way to go buddy!" kind of change. More like a "Oh geez, it's been nice knowing you" kind of look.
My mom isn't much for panic but I could tell this pea-up-the-nose incident was not going to win me any prizes. She was not happy. For the next twenty minutes she held my face in strange positions and requested I blow. No luck. She pulled out this suctioner thing, attempting to coax the pea out. No luck. She begrudgingly called the doctor - did we need to go in or would it just dissolve? They were closed; they were at lunch too (I bet none of them stuck a pea up their noses at lunch!)
My mom took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and appeared to go to a much happier place. When she opened her eyes and returned to our pea-in-the-nose reality she said, "Okay buddy, this is it. You have one last chance. I'm going to plug the one side up and you need to blow with all your might. Got it? Otherwise you'll have to go to the doctor." She pinched the one side of my nose really hard and I blew like I had never blown before. My face turned red and I thought I was going to pass out. Then all of a sudden, that pea shot out of my nose like a rocket! Seriously, it was moving at about 20 miles per hour. My mom started to laugh so hard tears were rolling down her cheeks. We high-fived. The pea was out.