I dictated my letter to Santa to my mom and she wrote it down for me. I think I did pretty good because A) Santa left me a cookie, B) My dad got a pj shirt, C) My friend Poppy - aka Popster - got a guitar, and D) I got a candy cane - even though I don't like them.
Christmas morning I ran into the front room to find this...a REALLY loud and fast race track that shoots cars and they smash into each other.
I made my dad a gift for Christmas. My mom let me wrap it myself. I used an entire roll of tape to make sure it stayed shut.
Ta-da! It's a Christmas tree painted with MY hand prints. Pretty cool, I know.
My mom got a bunch of stuff and is showing some of it off here - a new hat, a vest, and a cool book she can read to me.
Aunt Chris made me a race track out of a gigantic piece of felt. She even got a spice rack for my "watcher" cars to hang out in the grandstand as the "racer" cars zoomed by. She's awesome.
And this is just "Part One" - stay tuned for Christmas - Part 2!
Jackson was thrilled to be in Bodie's letter, but apparently J needs to communicate what he wants a little better. :) Thanks for sending that!