(oops, forgot to hit "post" on this last week so it's been sitting in the draft box - sorry!)
We scored a "bonus visit" from Grandma and Grandpa last week. We played hard and made sure we didn't miss a second of fun.

Grandma, mom, and me started the trip zipping around town taking pictures of all the monuments and memorials with my cousin Mallory's Flat Stanley (see Flat Stanley on FDR's knee) while dad and Grandpa went to work for the day (Grandpa had a business meeting).

Day two we headed to the zoo where I ran for almost 4 straight hours. Where are the animals? you ask, well, this is the Pizza Park at the zoo and it's one of my favorite things. It's a giant pizza that you can play on. You stack mushrooms and pepperonis and slide down giant cheese or climb on a tomato or crawl through an olive - it's awesome.

I exhausted everyone so we all took a nap in the beautiful weekend weather. Ahhh, relaxation. Then once they were up it was lots of good reading time.
Then we headed to Roosevelt Island for a 3 mile hike around the island. A 5 foot snake slithered in front of me and my dad on the trail. Based on his high pitched response, it was luckily I was there to protect him.
We took a bike ride to the park and enjoyed a picnic - well, they just stuck food out for me as I zoomed by heading to the slide. Like I said, this was a total bonus visit!
Your parents look GREAT!! I LOVE the picture of the tennis shoe bottoms / swings! And that Bodie-boy is the busiest boy in the world! He shatters any records my Scotty tried to set, ha!