Monday, January 16, 2012

Knock Knock

A few mornings ago, Dave and I woke up around 7am to a loud door knocking sound coming from INSIDE of our house. Next we heard someone yell, "Let me out of here!"

It was Bodie. He'd launched himself out of his crib and was "trapped" inside his own room, but trying to get out. Hilarious. So the front of his crib came off and we turned his bed into a toddler bed. This act was meant with incredible joy - could he jump any higher?!?!

There was no doubt our little curious kid would adventure around his room once the lights went off, and he did. We heard him take several basketball shots into his hoop, climb on and off his ladder to turn the light on and off (yes, we gave him a ladder - if you can't beat 'em, you might as well join 'em), and his box of blocks were poured around his room. But then it got quiet and he wandered back into bed, so we headed to bed ourselves.

This time were were awoken by a loud scream at 3:30am in the morning; then it got completely quiet. Then softly on the monitor we heard "mom, help mom." Huh? Did he just say help mom? Then quiet. Next a loud demand "Get out Lightening McQueen, get out!" What? I thought, I need to actually wake up, this doesn't make sense. And as I began to stand up to investigate what was going on, a definite plea, "HELP mom! HELP!"

I opened his door and didn't see Bodie in his bed. Instead I saw just his feet sticking out from under his bed. He was completely pinned underneath his bed....where he had crawled to rescue his Lightening McQueen matchbox car. SOOOOO funny. I lifted up the crib and told him to crawl out then asked what happened. His response, "Stuck mom. Scary."

Once freed, he climbed right into bed and didn't wake up until 8:30am. I can only imagine what tonight's adventure will be, stay tuned....

1 comment:

  1. *LAUGHING* I know it was scary for Bodie, but it made for THE BEST STORY!! I started laughing and then started over to read the story aloud to Jonathan--it was THAT CUTE! Congrats, Bodie on a BIG BOY BED!!!


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