I played hard this week - tons of playdates, a BBQ, my first art class, a service project - it was awesome.
I had playdates every day - with Henry or Dru or Wally or Jackson or Tristan and Landon or Nolan or these guys.....

Here's the story on these guys - they're what we call, our "east coast family." This "family" began like 100 years ago when my mom moved to Washington, DC. She met four other people and they all moved into a big house in Georgetown. She lived in that house for seven years with a bunch of different roommates. This is my mom with two of her first housemates, Kate and Lori.

To this day, they're all still good friends, and these are some of the kids connected to that house in Georgetown. Kind of cool, huh. Anyway, I'm twelfth out of the thirteen in age - Jack is the oldest (11) and Xander is the youngest (17 months). Ten boys and three girls. When you get us all together it's pretty fun. Saturday we had a BBQ at the Keenans and there was a flag football game, capture the flag, and scooter riding. The adults hung out on the deck and laughed a lot - I'm not sure who was having more fun, us or them. I even got to hang out with Uncle M.O.

I went to my first art class this week. My mom guesstimated the teacher's age at about 103 years old - she's awesome, really funny. She gave us all mini painting aprons and had us sit on paint splotches on the floor. She then told us we were going to paint like Rembrandt. She showed us some Rembrandt pictures and told us Rembrandt painted pictures of his friends.

Then she told us to sit at the painting table and handed us some stencils and sponge squares with paint on them and said, "paint! paint! paint!" Here is my very first piece of hart - not bad if I do say so myself. I bet Rembrandt would be proud!
We topped off the week by helping sort produce at a local warehouse that distributes food to our neighbors in need. So what can a little guy like me do in such a big warehouse you ask? Well, they stuck me in the produce bins when they were nearing the end and I picked up the fruits and vegatables on the bottom and handed them to the bigger people - kind of cool. Even us little guys can do community service. It sure felt good. Here's a video of the day - I'm the short kid in the bin wearing an orange hat. It's a fast cameo, so don't blink.
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