We spent eight days in Utah and jammed in as much stuff as we possibly could. Our week began at my Uncle Rick and Aunt Margo's private water ski lakes, Last Chance Lakes. They call it "My private playground" and I completely agree. (http://www.lastchancelakes.com/)
The Stevensons and St.Jeors joined in the fun and we water skied (that's my Grandpa tearing it up on his ski), swam, played in the sand, cooked s'mores, jumped off the upper deck of the dock, had ice spitting contests - it was awesome. My cousins Mallory, Troy, and Lindsie and Brenna and Tate St.Jeor are the coolest. They showed me how to water ski, threw rocks off the dock with me, and built sand castles.
We then headed to the golf course - full and mini sized! My mom "test drove" two new golf clubs and, thanks to my dad, those clubs found a permanent home in her golf bag. I heard my dad say something about, "This purchase won't be good for MY game...." But aren't the clubs for my mom?!?!
Anyway, at the mini golf course I was the best ball picker-up. If you didn't hit your second shot fast enough, I'd pick your ball up and bring it to you - very helpful, I know. Everyone seemed appreciative saying, "OHHHH, thank you Bodie." But then they would put it right back where I had got it from, odd.
So now to the title of this blog - whew, I did mention we packed a lot in to our trip - Lybberty Days 2011. This is the annual family reunion for my mom's side of the family, the Lybberts. All thirty-five Lybberts (6 grandparents, 14 parents, and 15 of us grandkids) arrived in Park City and wow, talk about fun. 
We played capture the flag with water balloons, had a kickball tournament - I rounded the bases twice, made s'mores, competed in a scavenger hunt, participated in the Lybberty Days Olympics, hiked, biked, and swam. Lucky for me I was born in to a really cool family!
Hope has been day dreaming about her Bodie since we said goodbye! SOOOOO fun to see you all! Lots of love! ----Tito
ReplyDeletelove the matching hat pictures. bodi--you really let the girls pull smooth moves on you. a kiss was all it took?