Summer swim class started last week; I'm officially a Tadpole. And while I'm the youngest in the class, I try to make up for it by being fearless. The first class our teacher had us lay on our bellies on the side of the pool and hang our arms in the water and splash. One little challenge, my arms weren't long enough to reach the water. So he asked my parents to dangle me over the side so I could reach and I absolutely loved it.
I loved it so much that I am obsessed with going head first off EVERYTHING now. Each day at the pool I lay on my belly and eventually end up face first in the water - lucky my mom is watching and scoops me out because I still sink. At home I climb on all of the furniture and lean over head first and away I go; only minor bumps there so far. And this week at the park I thought I'd give head first a try from a park bench to the concrete. Lucky for me, my friend Henry broke my fall (not so lucky for Henry) and I only split my chin and gum open. Lots of blood but I'm healing just fine. (I was moving too fast when my mom tried to take a picture of the damage - but you get the idea.) My mom keeps saying with a weird look on her face, "I really need to 'thank' that swim instructor for introducing Bodie to the head first idea..." and I agree, it's awesome.
And finally my mom and dad went on a evening cruise of the monuments on the Potomac. It was a kids free night so I'm sure it wasn't that great. But the pictures of the monuments from the water were cool, and my folks don't look too bad either.
Looking forward to lots more summer and lots more water adventures ahead!
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