Sunday, February 20, 2011

One Small Step for Mankind, One Giant Step for Bodie!

After literally months of Bodie taking two to four steps and then crawling away, he's decided walking upright may just be the way to go. We even have proof - check it out.

Aside from the ceremonious "first" this week, we got together with several friends and family. Bodie and I had fun outdoors enjoying DC's weather jump into the 70's with lots of playdates. Saturday we watched our niece Francesca score all of her team's points for her basketball game. And we even met Dave downtown after work for an stroll and dinner. A pretty delightful week!


  1. Hurray for walking!! Just wait, Bodie... you can get into SO MUCH MORE STUFF now that you can walk!

  2. I thought you'd shot the video at an upscale restaurant. Then I realized it was your house. Nice decorating skills!

    Bodie - go for it man! Run. Run fast! Make them chase you. Work on your wicked "whaaahaa" laugh as you go. It'll be funny. Promise!

  3. Yeah for Bodie.... I know it was all that practice while you were in Utah that helped:)


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