Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Average and Excited!

I'm average - woohooo! I had my 9 month check up today and I finally hit the 50% for height. I was in 1% for a while, then made it to the 10%, got close to the 20% in the past but wasn't sure this day would ever come. Now I can say I'm just your average kid - so awesome. I was 30% on weight - though if you've seen my meaty thighs, that's a bit hard to believe. And my head tipped the scales (literally) in the 50-70% - must be all those brains in there. The appointment went well and I didn't even cry when I got my shots - perhaps it was because I was flirting with the nurse. Average sure feels good.

1 comment:

  1. It was fun to see you at the park last week. You sure can sleep through anything! You didn't look the least bit average. I thought you looked waaaay above. :-)


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