Saturday, April 17, 2010

What's in a Name?

When we choose Bodie's name, we had no idea how many things it would be connected to or the number of nicknames that would result from it. As most of you know, Bodie is named after his two grandfathers, Boden Vernal (Lisa's dad's middle name is Boden and Dave's dad's first name is Vernal). Both grandfathers are very active and love sports. We thought we were simply naming our child after two terrific men. Little did we know...

- There's a Bodie Lighthouse in Nags Head, NC
- There's a Bodie state park in California
- Through Bodie's name, Lisa found out she's related to her childhood friend's (Amy, aka Tito) step kids
- There's a Boden Candy company, great anncestors of Bodie (who knew!)

And then there are the funny nicknames he's been called by family and friends including Bodieman, Bodiemiester, Bodierama, and two of our personal favorites - Bodilicious and Bodinator. We think the first comes from Destiny's Child's song Bootylicious and the second, of course, is after the Terminator.  Everyone of these nicknames make us laugh and oddly enough, fits him perfectly.

So what's in  your name? Any crazy connections? Any clever nicknames?

1 comment:

  1. When I was a kid some friends called me "Bird." I don't know why.

    Marcus Peacock


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